Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hanuka 5772 (December 2011)

Itay, Jen and Isaac came to visit on Thursday and we had to drive to SFO around 11pm to pick up Maital.

Leeor came with Avi and Lilit to visit Saturday but by then Itay left.
Avi helped Savta with the Sufganiyot.

 Avi and Lilit enjoying the Sufganiyot that Avi made.

These two pictures are from our last visit to Israel. My mom with her son (me), granddaughter (Maital) and great granddaughter (Lilit). Melissa is holding Lilit.

My mom with me and Leeor. Three generations.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Avi is 3 years old

Avi is waiting for the baloons
Here they come

Time to open the presents
Isaac is eperiencing grass...

The fire chief.